Thursday, January 30, 2020

Management and Organizational Bahaviour Essay Example for Free

Management and Organizational Bahaviour Essay Q.No.1.â€Å"The major challenge Management faces today is living in a world of turbulence and uncertainitywhere new competitions arrive daily and competitive conditions change.† Explain with an example of any one product or service in the market . Validate your answer with research findings /stastical data . What measures can be taken to meet these challenges? Ans 1.A Challenge of Change The organizations and the individuals working in the organizations have a great challenge to deal with the change. The principle of dynamism and the theory of ‘Ignore and Perish, Change and Cherish’ have come to stay and the organizations have to respond positively to the changing environment. The challenge of change demands that the organizations become more transparent and open and the employees are given more autonomy. The institutions have to more concentrate on the quality of its people than product. The wind of change is affecting the organizations all over,from north to south and from east to west. Managers must create a new organizational space where those (new) capabilities can be developed. There are three possible ways to do that. Managers can * create new organizational structures within corporate boundaries in which new processes can be developed, * spin out an independent organization from the existing organization and develop within it the new processes and values required to solve the new problem, * acquire a different organization whose processes and values closely match the requirements of the new task’ * Business Process Outsourcing is further going to gain importance and the various processes in the production are going to be narrowed down into various parts. * The experiences of mergers and acquisitions could be followed for better presence in the market. Example:Changing market scenario : Medical Devices Industry Medical device market is quite diverse which includes medical and diagnostic equipment; medical implants like heart valve and cardiac stents, pacemakers, cannulae, knee joints; and lower end plastic disposables, blood bags, IV sets, syringes etc.. Even within the same group of implants, there are diverse products which may have hardly anything in common: for examples, Intra-ocular lens and knee joints. According to one source, in 2012, the Indian medical devices and diagnostics market has been estimated to have reached Rs. 139bn ,that had potential to grow at a CAGR of 23.2 percent over the period 2009-13. It has been estimated the market will grow by an average of 15.6 row percent over the next few years, to around USD 4.8bn by 2015 . Increasing physicians awareness and increasing patients requirement to avail high quality care are amongst the driving force for such a growth rate. Figure: Indian medical devices market size and forecast (09-13) (USD mn) Source: KPMG-CII In India, there are around 700 medical device makers; however, major players remain the foreign companies. Few major players in medical devices industry include: B. Braun Medical(I)Pvt. Ltd; BL Life sciences Ltd; 8.3 Baxter India; Bayer Diagnostics India Ltd; Godrej Industries Ltd;Johnson Johnson Medical India (JJMI) Ltd; Nicholas Piramal India Ltd; Opto Circuits (I) Limited; Philips Electronics India Ltd (Medical Systems Division); Roche Diagnostics India; Siemens India Ltd; Span Diagnostics Ltd; Trivitron Medical Systems; Wipro Biomed Ltd; Wipro GE Medical Systems. Coping with the Change * To constantly train people in new technology, new business practices and new paradigms. * Synergize organizational objectives with individual aspirations * Training Managers at all levels both in behavioral field as well as technical field as people are not going to be sitting face to face but will be connected mouse to mouse. * As the consumers are becoming more aware, the organizations have to train their employees for better customer relationship management (CRM). The individuals who are able to learn new competencies quickly are going to be valued more in this fast changing environment. Fundamentally, all organizations – from the military to schools to hospitals to private enterprises – need to dramatically increase the pace of change if they are going to thrive. * The organizations have to create an atmosphere where the employees from bottom level to the top level have a positive attitude towards change. * ‘Particular attention needs to be paid to young employees. They are a company’s long term investment. The contribution they make is dependent on how quickly they commit themselves to their work, and what they do about it’ . Three things can be said about change in today’s intense competitive environment: it’s hard, it’s necessary, and most people are bound to resist it. The question for leaders, then, is what actually makes change happen? Change is sensed as one of the most dynamic activity. It is more important to think about our roles in the changing environment rather than concentrating on what makes change happen. The fashion changes, individuals change, ‘only foolish and dead never change their opinion’ – so the opinions change, demands change, needs change and so does the market, trade and business and further so does our attitude change. â€Å"executives are recognizing that their most important need is to have ma nagers who deal with change and complexity by growing and by developing their capacities.† A Note for the Future Present organizational structure of course it has changed from what it was before 10 years but in coming few years it is further going to change. ‘As far as the interface of technology and business goes, it’s easy to predict what the characteristics of the next big thing will be; transparency, egalitarianism, immediacy, convenience, and economy. Nor is it difficult to hazard a guess on where its utility will be felt most; the way we work, the way we live; the way we interact; and the way in which we address larger problems related to the environment’. The future of work and the future of business is going to be decided by the methods and approaches followed by the organizations to face the challenge of change. The way the industry has reacted to the waves of change, we can expect that there is going to be better management of people and the human factor is going to be the most important factor in the coming days. The existence of knowledge society would certainly provide better outlook and perspective for thinking but the need is to be more cautious and more judicious in decision making for deciding the future course of action Q.No.3How can a leader transform potential into reality? What type of leadership is best suited in service providing units like healthcare centers? Give reasons for your choice. Ans.3. Introduction A leader is an individual who is able to demonstrate a specific set of roles, behaviours to influence the attitudes and behaviours of others. It is usually a group phenomenon. Two specific aspects of being a leader are: 1. The individual attributes or styles needed to be an effective leader. 2. The organizational skills required to manage the process of change Keys to Effective leadership Trust and confidence in top leadership was the single most reliable predictor of employee satisfaction in an organization. Effective communication by leadership in three critical areas was the key to winning organizational trust and confidence: 1. Helping employees understand the companys overall business strategy. 2. Helping employees understand how they contribute to achieving key business objectives. 3. Sharing information with employees on both how the company is doing and how an employees own division is doing — relative to strategic business objectives. Turning potential into Reality : the Leadership challenge The leader must analyse the following issues while framing a vision of growth of organization: 1. Recognize the capabilities of the organization 2. Recognize the decisions that need to be made and the changes that must occur 3. Recognize the importance of people in achieving the vision 4. Recognize your needs in relation to the larger organization These four issues align with four phases for achieving the vision: Phase 1: Analyze your organization Phase 2: Develop your organization Phase 3: Value and develop your people Phase 4: Maintain and develop your sphere of influence Leadership Styles Leadership style is the way in which a leader accomplishes his purposes. It can have profound effects on an organization and its staff members, and can determine whether the organization is effective or not. Leadership style depends on the leaders and organizations conception of what leadership is, and on the leaders choice of leadership methods. Depending how those fit together, a leader might adopt one of a variety styles, each reflected in the way the organization operates and the way its staff members relate to one another. * Autocratic totally in control, making all decisions himself * Managerial concerned with the smooth operation, rather than the goals and effectiveness, of the organization * Democratic consulting with others, encouraging equality within the organization, but making final decisions herself * Collaborative sharing leadership, involving others in all major decisions, spreading ownership of the organization. Other viewpoints of leadership styles are: * Transactional or autocratic (Burns, 1978). This might have been called in the past the ‘top down approach’ or autocratic leadership.* Transformational/interactional (Burns, 1978). Transformational leadership is aligned to democratic forms of leadership. It is a leadership style based upon embracing change and encouraging innovation. * Renaissance or modern (Cook, 1999 Renaissance leadership requires the effective use of power, influence and the ability to network to ensure key decision makers support changes. * Connective. There are similarities between both transformational and renaissance styles (Ewens, 2002) although this type of leadership is less likely to delegate in a way that empowers the workforce. The focus is that of building collaborative structures and networks to effect change 2. Defining the task: Focus on an objective that is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Adaptive leadership for health care sector A new kind of leadership is needed for health care. It is both figuring out why the current approaches aren’t sufficient and surfacing how the forces at play in the system allow incremental efforts or the status quo to carry the day. It takes courage to identify the tough issues and create change, even when you are uncertain about the outcome. The adaptive nature of the challenges in health care demands that people see themselves as orchestrating conflict rather than resolving it, holding the attention of others to the harder issues rather than taking the burden off of their shoulders, confronting dearly-held legacy behaviors that prevent deep change from taking root rather than tolerating them, identifying and then letting go of values and behaviors that are getting in the way, and making your own adaptations. Currently Practiced Currently Needed Rely on tradition and past approaches Launch many experiments identify emerging solutions Implement Best Practice Create â€Å"Next Practice†Overcoming Competing Commitments For people in senior authority, this type of leadership is different than what people expect You can develop these skills and apply them to a variety of adaptive challenges. Adaptation is more than surviving; it is about mobilizing people and creating environments that are more robust and resilient, environments for people to thrive. With the right focus, you can engage people in adaptive work and nurture the new DNA that will promote wellness and healing that brings your organization into the future Q.No.5. What are the indicators which tell you about the HRD climate in a healthcare centre? Ans 5. HRD stands for Human Resources Development in a business or an organization. Climate meant the atmosphere in the company, especially a supportive atmosphere that allows staff members to develop their skills for the benefit of the company. Management Indicators Ideally, HR and other management indicators are constructed from generally available data and describe constituents of organisational activity, namely inputs, processes and outputs. It is this data that managers use in monitoring and as a basis for decision making. The indicators are usually created by linking two separate pieces of data to form a ratio. The indicators literally provide an indication of the relative state of key determinants of efficiency and effectiveness in comparison to norms of organisational activity. These norms may be derived from: external comparisons with other similar organisations; internal comparisons with the previous performance of the organisation; comparisons with some pre-determined standard. Indicators of HRD Climate in Health sector Indicators can be developed to examine all the different elements of organisational performance.The four main elements of performance which require management attention are illustrated here using indicators focused on HR aspects: †¢ Inputs: this covers the resources introduced into the health system. Human resources account for the majority of health service costs and are therefore the most significant input. In making comparisons between health system units or over time it is useful to be able to look at measures such as: -relative proportions of different staff types and grades; -staff costs in relation to the total health service expenditure; numbers of staff relative to the local population. †¢ Processes: This looks at how the health service works as an organisation. In the HR dimension, process issues include organisational environment in which people work and the effect this might have on their performance, as well as more direct measures of HR efficiency with respect to the way the HR resources are used. Thus * staff turnover rates; the actual to planned staff ratio; the ratio of new staff recruited to new staff trained all give an indication of the quality of the organisational environment. * Bed occupancy rates to staff employed, on the other hand, provide a more direct relationship between HR and other resources inputs in the health care process. †¢ Outcomes: These are the products of the organisation. This is particularly difficult to measure in health service systems as there is little agreement on ways of measuring health outcomes (ie. the change in health status for a person having been in the health care system). Usually the best that can be managed are proxy measures such as overall population mortality rates to staff employed. †¢ Outputs: Outcomes are often expressed in so-called â€Å"intermediate† output measures such as the number of patients treated. This data can be more easily measured, but does not give an accurate picture of how health status is affected. Typical HR output measures could include: * the number of nurses per thousand clinic attendances; * trained nurses/ midwives per 1000 live births. Peters and Waterman (6) identify the 7Ss strategy, structure, skills, style of management, systems, staff, shared values as key interrelated factors determining the performance of an organisation. The HR elements in this (staff, skills, shared values and structure) can be expected to play a significant role in changing organisational performance. The most common words used to assess the impact of these related elements are efficiency, effectiveness and quality.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children

Child Abuse is a very serious issue all throughout the world, in all different countries, cultures, and communities. The four main types of abuse are emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse, and although emotional abuse and neglect are often overlooked, each has just as severe effects on children as sexual and physical abuse (Saisan et al.). The many causes of all kinds of the abuse of children have devastating effects on the child’s life presently and later on in life. There are multiple different causes of child abuse, and although abusing a child cannot be pinpointed to one specific characteristic, issue, or situation, there are factors which contribute to the abuse or neglect of a child. It is preposterous to determine whether child abuse will occur, but commonly a family may be at risk if the caretaker is young, has little education, has little knowledge about child development, has had several children born within a few years, is under great stress, and is extremely dependent on social welfare (Causes and Effects). As a child being taken care of by someone with alcohol and/or drug addictions is difficult, as a result of these addictions sometimes caretakers cannot make good parenting choices and all too often are unable to properly provide for their children. There are many factors that can lead to child abuse, but not all families who meet this â€Å"criteria† abuse their children, just as those families who seem perfect on the outside may actually abuse their children (Saisan et al.). Child abuse happens in all different types of families, and although there are some predicaments where abuse is more common, there is still no singular cause of child abuse. Contrary to many beliefs, the emotional a... ...Emotional Child Abuse – Definitions of Child Neglect and Other Emotionally Abusive Behavior. American Humane Association, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. Miller, Debbie. "Child Abuse and Neglect." Encyclopedia of Education. Ed. James W. Guthrie. 2nd Ed. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003. 267-270. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. Neher, Jon O. "Unreleased Emotions from Child Abuse Can Create Devastating Anger." Child Abuse. Ed. Heidi Williams. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "The Decade Dance." Annals of Family Medicine 3 (2005): 462. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 12 Dec. 2013. Saisan, MSW, Joanna, Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., and Melinda Smith, M.A.,. "Child Abuse & Neglect: Recognizing and Preventing Child Abuse." Understand, Prevent and Resolve Life's Challenges. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2014.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Life as a Teacher

Education is the only way to help a person succeed. Despite all the government cuts in the schools children don't stop learning. As well they are learning at an early age as early as the age of their first few months. Children need and use everyday items to help them grown and learn to succeed in life. The government is cutting programs not only in day cares but in Regular Schools. These programs are here to help the children achieve what they wanna do in life. Not only life’s goals but their dreams as well. One thing I have noticed in being a childcare teacher kids start learning at an infant stage just by looking at wind chimes to simple solid colored balls. An infant teacher can put a bucket of water or different colored blocks in front of the infant and there are many things the child experiences when they are introduced to items like these. Children begin to learn about senses, touch, smell to colors of things. This is where children begin to learn to say first words to their very first steps. Second as they begin to progress in their early stages they begin to explore new things such as walking and picking up things. When they move into a toddler waddler room they learn new things such as jumping on two feet to putting on a shirt. Some people don’t realize a lot of the time parents do not have the time to work with their children a lot of the time they miss out on their development stages. We as teachers see the need of the kids and help them grow into people who can be independent in their life’s. Toddlers begin to explores more senses such as touch, feel, smell and taste. This is a big key in their stages of growing. Lastly as they begin to learn about their colors and numbers and shapes in the toddler class they move into a preschool area where materials are a big key. This year the government is cutting back on programs that help us with materials for the students to grown in the development stages. A lot of the time we as teachers who don’t make a lot have to bring items that we have at home to work with in the class room. Preschoolers enjoy these things and helps them with recognizing things as well as using them at home with parents. You can give a child paper and macaroni and the child will make something remarkable such as a house. Day cares and early childhood schools are a big role in a child’s life. This is where they begin to learn about different areas in school. As a teacher it brings me such joy to see how far my kids have come in learning and growing. Just the simple items that I might have bring many creative ideas to a child’s mind. Governments only concern about America is money. To a lot of us its the child’s education and growth. It takes a lot of gift to be a teacher and brings such joy to our faces when the child succeeds.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Effect of Texting in Writing Skills of the Students

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Students with reading difficulties usually have problems in spelling as well and often times have more severe deficits in spelling than in reading, according to Hallahan et. al. in introduction to learning disabilities. In reading, context and other cues help one to decode a word, but in spelling, one must produce the word after hearing or thinking it. As a consequence of their difficulties with spelling, student find writing tasks both laborious and aversive. Spelling requires that a person produce in written or oral form the correct sequence of letters that form a particular word. To do this, a person converts phonemes†¦show more content†¦Another is, teaching to use dictionary as early as possible. The dictionary can be used as a tool to find the correct spelling of a word. Other strategies are through word and picture sorts, songs and finger plays, and scrabble games. The Impact of Texting on Students’ Writing Skills If you happen to know any pre-teens or teenagers, or have been to your local mall on a recent Friday night, you are probably familiar with this scene: Gaggles of tweens and teens walking, sitting, standing, together in near silence as they type away at their respective cell phone. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of one of these text messages, then you’ve had the pleasure of decoding the extensive digital shorthand that permeates the vocabulary of many middle school and high school students. It is reasonable to question the impact of this type of communication on students’ writing skills, and many have. A search for â€Å"texting and language arts† yields numerous articles and blog posts by educators and educational reporters describing the negative effects of text messaging on students’ grammar and writing skills. Edutopia, an educational website, conducted an online poll asking â€Å"Does text messaging harm students’ writing s kills?† Out of 1,842 votes, 944 votes (51%) chose â€Å"Yes. I believe students are carrying over the writing habits they pick up through text messaging into school assignments.† 476 votes (26%) chose â€Å"No. IShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Texting On Teens And Their Writing886 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Does Texting Affects Writing† by Michaela Cullington, one view is that texting has a negative impact on teens and their writing. Cullington shows both sides of what students, teachers, and professors have to say about the issue of texting; yet after research this belief may not prove to be true. Then she writes about personal experience regarding the issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Text has become one of the most common ways teenagers communicate with others. This led to many people believing that students abilityRead MoreThe Effect Of Texting On Student s Academic Writing1273 Words   |  6 Pagesthe emergence of texting whether this new communication technology hinders the formality and accuracy of academic writing. Educators are concerned that students who text will incorporate â€Å"text language† into their academic writing and that texting contributes to inaccuracy in writing. David Crystal in â€Å"Why All the Fuss?†, a chapter from his book, Txtng: The Gr8 Db8, presents a compelling and persuasive argument emphasizing that texting has not negatively influenced academic writing and that it mayRead MoreCell Phones And Their Influence On Our Campus1601 Words   |  7 PagesYou cannot walk across campus of the University of Arkansas without seeing someone sucked into their phone and staring at the screen. What are they doing on t here? Texting, Snapchatting, Tweeting, or even updating a Facebook. I bet almost everyone on our campus has at least typed one text message on their phone walking from one class to another. It was found, by The Centre of Science Education at Sheffield University, that around ninety percent of the youth have cellular devices, and about ninety-sixRead MoreNegative Effects Of Texting On College Students940 Words   |  4 Pagesimpact that texting has on college students. This topic is something I can relate to because texting messaging remains the most popular way of communicating for me, a college student. I looked up many articles and academic journals that would help me further explain the point that I wanted to make. In 2010, it was recorded that 98.8% of college students owned cell phones. (Ziegler, 2010) Texting is a prevalent way of communication it has taken a toll of college students. When texting becomes a frequentRead MoreTexting And Teen Literacy : Understanding And Knowi ng How Texting Affects Literacy Overall, Particularly With Teenagers1206 Words   |  5 PagesTexting and Teen Literacy My personal interest in researching this topic is understanding and knowing how texting affects literacy overall, especially with teenagers. I know that communication has evolved and as we move forward with technology, there are/will be positive and negative results that will arise and affect our daily and normal lives in how we communicate This will affect not only our day-to-day communication but also in how we learn. I would like to know more about this topic becauseRead MoreDoes Texting Affect Writing? Essay1392 Words   |  6 PagesDoes Texting Affect Writing: A Critical Analysis of the Influence of Text Speak in Student’s Writing We as a society are evolving with each generation to come. We are getting stronger, faster, and smarter. Just as cell phones are no longer square blocks with numbers on them and TV’s are not in black and white, writing itself has also evolved. Once upon a time many wrote and spoke in a Shakespearean form of language and over the years it has evolved into something we call modern English. In recentRead MoreWhat Type Of Design Use Conduct Research?755 Words   |  4 Pagesis texting leading students to become less coherent writers? RQ 2: What do effective writing skills allow learners to do? RQ 3: Why is it important to be able to write well? Explanation of Research Approach and Alignment with Problem. Writing is one of the main sources of communication today. Throughout the years writing has changed drastically because many students are choosing to text and write the same way. Teachers are expressing their concerns about the lack of students writing skills. ManyRead MoreMobile Phones And Its Impact On The Way1559 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s world you cannot go anywhere without seeing at least one person attached to their cell phone texting. This day and age sending a text is the quickest and most efficient form of communication. The Berkman Center for Internet Society at Harvard University found that (78%) of teens now have a cell phone and almost half (47%) of those teens have smartphones. That translates into (37%) of all teens who have cellphones, up from just (23%) in 2011(Madden). Today, people tend to use theirRead MoreScholarship Of Teaching And Learning ( Sotl ) Project Plan849 Words   |  4 P agesis texting leading students to become less coherent writers? RQ 2: What do effective writing skills allow learners to do? RQ 3: Why is it important to be able to write well? Explanation of Research Approach and Alignment with Problem. Writing is one of the main sources of communication today. Throughout the years writing has changed drastically because many students are choosing to text and write the same way. Teachers are expressing their concerns about the lack of students writing skills. ManyRead MoreHow Texting Is Causing A Deterioration Of Proper English Grammar?859 Words   |  4 PagesThere’s a lot of conflict in society about whether texting mutilates the English language, student’s formal writing, or if it is just another way of writing. Abbreviations are often are being used instead of spelling the word out. Texting is a like a second language to teenagers and some adults. It is used to communicate with each other’s it is quick and easy. Texting is causing a deterioration of proper English grammar because of its use of abbreviations, incorrect punctuation, and capital letters